What's Still Broken...

You can clean your room and organize so that everything is in it's place. You can work hard and be productive, meeting goals that you've set. You can eat well and be disciplined and lose weight and trim up... and it feels great.

But it doesn't fix the brokenness of this world.

I want it to be all better now. I want my heart to no longer hurt and ache because of my shortcomings and failings and my sins and the effects of others sins. I want things to be good now.

But even when you do the best you can. Even when you've righted as much as you can. Even when you've reconciled. Things will not be as they ought to be. And as much as you work to satisfy your longings, goals, desires, it will never TRULY satisfy.

Only Jesus. Give me Jesus.

He's the Only ONE! The only one who can satisfy. The only who can meet my needs. And He's what my heart longs for. I long to be with him on the other side. Here I know in part. Then I will see in full.

We are all waiting for the Resurrection. Not just us here on earth but those in Heaven... Adam and Eve, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, King David, my sister Libby and my nephew Sam... they're all waiting with us... waiting for things to be made right. Waiting for all things to be made new. Waiting for the New Heavens and the New Earth.

We're not home yet. We're all waiting. But it's coming. When it does it will be glorious. It will be amazing.

Until then, expect broken. Don't be surprised by suffering and trials and difficulties. Don't be shocked that things are falling apart. Things will all fall down until Christ returns. This is what I'm having to remind myself. I can't make things perfect here... even when they're getting as good as they're going to get.

But we have hope. We aren't alone. We're not left to ourselves. And our great Savior is continuing to change us and mold us into His likeness. We don't need to be fearful or afraid or beat ourselves up that things are off... we can hold onto Him knowing that He is holding us and will never let go.


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