Change and Transformation
I have been loving this new season of my life: traveling all over the country, engaging in training, growing mentally and physically stronger and gaining new perspective on life.
This year I have been to Missouri, flown to LA and driven to Phoenix, seen the Grand Canyon, gone to the ocean numerous times, experienced almost two weeks in Nashville, trips taking me to North Carolina and the western part of VA, and a special time in the mountains of N.C. at camp with my family and I just got back a couple weeks ago from my travels to Florida.
The word God gave me at the beginning of this year has been abundance! To look at our circumstances you would think it would be anything but... and yet this truly has been a year of exceeding abundance for me. I have seen God provide time and time again. He makes a way when there was no way.
Our circumstances would have you think that we lack options and choices but the new vision God has given me allows me to see these situations as opportunities. I don't have control over the things we face but I do have control on how I see them and how I respond. My heart is so full of joy and peace in the midst of crazy unknowns.
This isn't wishful thinking. This is God providing and leading me to every step. I have never been more excited about the future. I'm marveling at the beauty and greatness of our God. I'm overwhelmed by the majesty of His creation and inspired by the works of His hands.

Hallelujah! All was well.
Mike and I have experienced deep heartache and struggles in our life together. We have tasted grief and sorrow. And yet this merciful God has healed us. Has strengthened us. Has renewed us. Has kept us. Has reminded us again and again of His faithfulness.
If you were to look at our situation you wouldn't think all is well but I see God moving, I see the provision coming, I see the tides changing. I am no bereft of hope. I am planted firmly and held by the One who holds the stars.
My prayer for you today is that whatever you are facing today that you can give it to God. I am asking that He will change and renew your mind and thoughts for His purposes. May His truth reign in your heart and mind. Jesus said that He came to give life and life abundantly. Asking God that in whatever you're experiencing you can find joy and renewed strength in Him and the courage to press forward and know His deep and abiding love for you.
Take hope friends. We are not in this walk alone. As terrible as your suffering may be it is not eternal, it is temporary if you belong to Christ. A beautiful message was shared during a ladies tea at Joni and Friend's Camp. The speaker said, "We don't rejoice in the wreck. But we rejoice in the One who redeems the wreck."
And in that, I do rejoice in the Redeemer. He is restoring and making beautiful things from ashes in my life. What an amazing God we have!
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