
Showing posts from 2013

Good intentions: Apply Inside.

Boy Surprises

Putting Out Fires...

Missing her.

How to Sanitize with Sick Kiddos...

Getting run-down? Boost your immune system!

What's in Your Vitamin?

Why I love Melaleuca...

Strep throat anyone?

Please pray for Michael

A letter on Thanksgiving to my Daughter


California... here I come...

Why I'm never bored...

3 year olds, tantrum riots, citizen of the month, and what not to bring into school...

The View Behind...

Don't follow your Heart... VOTE.

Out of this world Party

9 years old today.

Clear Scan.

CT Scan and EKG tomorrow.

Adventures with Cousin

Crockpot Mis-Adventures...

Mornings with Peter