Does Jesus love me when I'm grumpy? How poison ivy and newly ruined floors lead me back to the Gospel.
I’m covered in poison ivy. My legs, my arms, my chest, my hands, my feet. I’m not sure why or how. I had it a couple weeks ago from a hike but then I treated it and it went away. But now it’s back with a vengeance.
Mike installed with the help our a neighbor our beautiful kitchen flooring this week. So of course, a couple night's later there’s an unexpected water leak. Mike went into the kitchen and saw water pooling from the bottom of the fridge. The water line to the fridge was spraying. He had to turn off the water to the whole house. He grabbed towels and pulled out the fridge and ran the fan. Grateful he caught it when he did but now there's some buckling.
Life is unsettling. So many things we cannot control. Let’s be honest there is not much we can control. Just how we respond to life and the things that happen to us.
Am I going to only trust God when life is good and going to plan? What happens when life is hard? When your friend dies. And your child is diagnosed. And then someone's child in your community passes away. That was my week. Oh and did I mention the scaled moved up 3 pounds and Samuel is throwing up again today....
I'm sad. I'm hurting. I'm itchy. I'm hormonal. I'm grumpy. I'm throwing myself a pity party.
I'm over the virus. Over wearing masks. Over not hugging people.
I miss what was. I miss going to the movie theater. I miss gathering in a group. I miss sitting in a coffee shop and relaxing and reading and laughing.
I am overwhelmed thinking of what we are going to do with schooling this Fall. Will some continue public school? Take some out to homeschool? Some online? Co-op? So much uncertainty and unknown.
I want to believe that my boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places but I struggle. And then I'm angry that I'm struggling. Why can't I be grateful? I have so much to be grateful for! Why am I dissatisfied and discontent? I have food in my belly and a roof over my head. My husband even was able to fix the leak. We didn't have to use a plumber like we thought we would.
So when you're covered in Calamine and your brand new floors are no longer perfect, what will you choose to believe? Is this what I'm living for?
I am reminded once again, this world is not my home. My hope can't be found in beautiful newly installed flooring. My hope can't be found in my physical body. It can't be in the condition of my kids health or whether or not I'm on good terms with others relationally. These things will never satisfy.
I can not find any true satisfaction or joy apart from Jesus. He is my all in all. I'm not enough. I'm weak. I complain. I grumble. But He is enough. He is my joy, my light, my strength, my song, my Rock. He is my hope.
Lord, I cling to you. I cling to who you say you are. I cling to your Word which is truth, which is life, which is a balm to my heart. I rest in you. Not my works. Not what I've done or what I'm going to do but in your perfect life, your perfect work, your death and resurrection. You have overcome the grave. You have the power to save me from my sins.
I wrestle Jesus. I wrestle with myself. Rescue me from myself. Thank you that you love me in spite of me. Thank you that you are a promise keeper. You are a way maker. Everyone can let me down but Lord, you will never let me down. You will never let me go. You will never leave or forsake me.
So that's where I am at friends. I'm sad, messy, and crazy broken. But I'm also perfectly loved, forgiven, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Jesus loves me even when I'm grumpy.
Are you stressed today? Anxious? Frustrated? Angry? Overwhelmed? Confused? Scared? He loves you right where you are. He longs to connect and communicate with you. He loves you with an everlasting love. Cry out to Him. Tell Him where you're at. And wait and see how He speaks to you. Ask Him what does He want to show you and teach you?
Asking the God of all comfort to comfort you and lift up your head.
May He be near to us as we draw near to Him.
Mike installed with the help our a neighbor our beautiful kitchen flooring this week. So of course, a couple night's later there’s an unexpected water leak. Mike went into the kitchen and saw water pooling from the bottom of the fridge. The water line to the fridge was spraying. He had to turn off the water to the whole house. He grabbed towels and pulled out the fridge and ran the fan. Grateful he caught it when he did but now there's some buckling.
Life is unsettling. So many things we cannot control. Let’s be honest there is not much we can control. Just how we respond to life and the things that happen to us.
Am I going to only trust God when life is good and going to plan? What happens when life is hard? When your friend dies. And your child is diagnosed. And then someone's child in your community passes away. That was my week. Oh and did I mention the scaled moved up 3 pounds and Samuel is throwing up again today....
I'm sad. I'm hurting. I'm itchy. I'm hormonal. I'm grumpy. I'm throwing myself a pity party.
I'm over the virus. Over wearing masks. Over not hugging people.
I miss what was. I miss going to the movie theater. I miss gathering in a group. I miss sitting in a coffee shop and relaxing and reading and laughing.
I am overwhelmed thinking of what we are going to do with schooling this Fall. Will some continue public school? Take some out to homeschool? Some online? Co-op? So much uncertainty and unknown.
I want to believe that my boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places but I struggle. And then I'm angry that I'm struggling. Why can't I be grateful? I have so much to be grateful for! Why am I dissatisfied and discontent? I have food in my belly and a roof over my head. My husband even was able to fix the leak. We didn't have to use a plumber like we thought we would.
So when you're covered in Calamine and your brand new floors are no longer perfect, what will you choose to believe? Is this what I'm living for?
I am reminded once again, this world is not my home. My hope can't be found in beautiful newly installed flooring. My hope can't be found in my physical body. It can't be in the condition of my kids health or whether or not I'm on good terms with others relationally. These things will never satisfy.
I can not find any true satisfaction or joy apart from Jesus. He is my all in all. I'm not enough. I'm weak. I complain. I grumble. But He is enough. He is my joy, my light, my strength, my song, my Rock. He is my hope.
Lord, I cling to you. I cling to who you say you are. I cling to your Word which is truth, which is life, which is a balm to my heart. I rest in you. Not my works. Not what I've done or what I'm going to do but in your perfect life, your perfect work, your death and resurrection. You have overcome the grave. You have the power to save me from my sins.
I wrestle Jesus. I wrestle with myself. Rescue me from myself. Thank you that you love me in spite of me. Thank you that you are a promise keeper. You are a way maker. Everyone can let me down but Lord, you will never let me down. You will never let me go. You will never leave or forsake me.
So that's where I am at friends. I'm sad, messy, and crazy broken. But I'm also perfectly loved, forgiven, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Jesus loves me even when I'm grumpy.
Are you stressed today? Anxious? Frustrated? Angry? Overwhelmed? Confused? Scared? He loves you right where you are. He longs to connect and communicate with you. He loves you with an everlasting love. Cry out to Him. Tell Him where you're at. And wait and see how He speaks to you. Ask Him what does He want to show you and teach you?
Asking the God of all comfort to comfort you and lift up your head.
May He be near to us as we draw near to Him.