A 3 hour tour.

Sit right back and you'll hear a tale... a tale of a fateful trip... that started at the doctor's office and made me want to flip...
I arrived punctually at the office with my dear mother-in-law in tow. And we proceeded to wait and wait. They had me go back and forth across the offices several times. I will spare you the boring details. Mike was with Samuel at his follow-up appt. at CHKD and even though his appt. was 45 minutes AFTER mine they finished well before I did. Over 3 hours! Enough complaining... here's the good news!
The boys are measuring 2 lbs. 13 oz. and 2 1bs. 10 oz. And although there is a "generous" amount of fluid they are saying it's NOT Polyhydramneous- which they had thought originally. So yeah! I'm still having contractions and am on medicine to help with that.
I'm exhausted and worn out but am grateful that the boys are measuring well and that things seem smooth. I don't need to go back to the office for another 2 weeks.
Mike and I went over to the house tonight and discovered that we now have electricity! We unpacked some boxes and got to talk for a while... He took me out to dinner and it was just nice to have time by ourselves. Relaxing. Not at the hospital or the doctor's or cleaning up throw-up.
Samuel's appt. went well. The doctors want us to keep a close eye on him but are otherwise pleased. He also needs to see a pulminologist ASAP.
so there you go. That's the update for now. Time for bed. Mike's going to be spending the morning at the DMV and then we're heading over to the house with the kids- they haven't seen the house yet. I can't wait. I love this house. I really do. It warms my heart...
Well, goodnight.
I'm so excited for you and keeping you in prayer throughout the day. :)
Glad to hear the good news.
Now that you have power, you should call the gas co and tell them they can come out. The only reason it was a week for gas was b/c I told them power would be a week. (They needed power and water to turn the gas on).
I would do it myself but I'm sick, sick, sick -- again.
Love you and you'll have to post some pictures soon of you cozy little home!
We miss you!
BTW - I've tagged you on my blog. You can play along when you get a free moment sometime in the next 10 years.