
My last few days have been unbelievable.

Monday was spent cleaning up throw-up. Libby had gotten sick in the night and threw up all over her doorway area and then my doorway area. So I was cleaning carpet and doors that were stained with puke.

Samuel got sick yesterday morning and threw up all over his bed and my bed. There's a theme.

Yesterday I almost had a heart attack when for 45 minutes Samuel was missing. I had to have the therapist call 911 as I frantically searched the house and the outside for Samuel. I kept yelling Samuel's name over and over as visions of finding him dead in the pond or kidnapped or lost in the woods played through my mind. I had to keep giving Christ control of my thoughts. I felt more than just slightly hysterical. He was nowhere to be found. I found myself begging God, "please God not another disaster. Not another tragedy. I'm still not over the first."

Laura, our therapist, found him later in my bed. He was wearing his pull-up and had taken off his PJ's. I was so overhwelmed with emotion at the sight of my little boy warm with fever in my bed. I gave him a dozen kisses and ran my trembling hand through his hair. What mercy to be spared. I'm so glad he's okay.

An officer still came out and asked what happened. He was kind and also relieved that Samuel was safe.

today I was put in a crazy situation as I got the car stuck in a mud pit. It's long too explain. Let's just say I had another learning experience and was thankful when my brother used the tractor to rescue me out of the mud.

I'm tired and bedraggled. My adrenal glands are shot. I'm dreading the 7th. My plans have been shot through. What a time this has been.

I'm ready for it to be over. What is it? It's sadness, heartbreak, anger, confusion, depression.

So I sit and wait quietly for the Lord....


Mimi saidā€¦
praying for you friend
Isabella Hodge saidā€¦
Life is crazy with four kids! Im glad Samuel is ok, and I will be thinking of you on the 7th. xo
Kate Van saidā€¦
many friends here in Chesapeake are praying for you and your family. I pray His 'goodness and mercy follow you' especially on the 7th...
Anonymous saidā€¦
Getting ready for the weekend:

Lucky Charms. Check.
Journal. Check.
Bible. Check.

A heart ready to sit at the Lord's feet. Getting there.

Wish I was with you...

I am praying for you to be filled with peace in Christ Jesus that surpasses all understanding...and guards your heart and your mind.

May you feel His presence and comfort in a deep and intimate way by the power of His Spirit (who raised Jesus from the dead and brought us to newness of life in Him).

He can do this and will do this.

I love you. Always.

Sarah saidā€¦
Hey Jennifer Leigh. What drama! No wonder you are exhausted, physically, emotionally and the rest. Praying that you will know God's peace not only on 7th but in the coming days and weeks. Will be thinking of and praying for you tomorrow, can't imagine how hard it must be but know a Heavenly Father who understands perfectly. Big hugs, xxx

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