
The afternoon sun has warmed my heart and my spirits. I see buds on trees. People are out running or biking.

I took the kids to the park today. It was so nice to be void of cumbersome jackets. I think I need to plan at least once a week to go to the park. The sunshine on my face was a luxurious treat. The kids ran, slid, swung.

Mmmm.... spring.... fresh asparagus.

Spring... the smell of daffodils... their cheery yellow adorn my kitchen.

Spring... the reminder of Christ's resurrection.

My heart was so full that I spilled tears when I thought of Jesus taking my place on the Cross. To realize that though I'm fragile, broken, imperfect, weak, sinful, and shattered... In Him I am strong, whole, perfect, sinless, victorious, forgiven, redeemed, and am being made into His likeness. So sweet. And so much more than I can express in words...

I look forward to decorating eggs with the kids and doing spring-time crafts... but it's all overshadowed by Christ.

I've been reading a fun book on organizing "Organizing for Dummies..." I love all the tips, hints, suggestions, etc. I love organizing... if only I wasn't a perfectionist who demands it all to be done right NOW perfectly. I need to laugh at myself more...

Mike and I are taking turns reading Dune (by Frank Herbert) out loud. We did this book when we were courting... it's fun to do it again.

A spring poem... by me.

Hum. Sun. Dream. Skip.
Dizzy. spinning under skies of blue.
Lie in the hammock of my open arms
barefoot in springs sprung grass
glass of lemonade to refresh parched tongues
Springs siren has sung
it's song calls me to wander and wonder
to hum under my breath
to dream of warm basking sun
to skip along on my tasks
once mundane
now alive
like glistening jewels on black velvet
to smell the fresh alive outdoors
that touches your nose
and leaves its fragrance on the tip of your tongue.
The slight wind lets you shudder
in the comfort of your sweater
toes warmed and sunkissed in flip-flops
and life lingers as days stretch
like a newborn waking from his nap.
Mouth pinked and slight yawn
gripping your finger tight
love swelling your heart
and flowers long dormant
show their sleeping heads.


Anonymous said…
Love your poem. I can taste spring and it is sweet.



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