The boys are adorable! They look like silly boys to me. : ) Maybe some games of peek-a-boo and snuggles are in order...The cakes look super yummy. I'm sure they loved them. (Way to go Annie!) Please give all the babes kisses for me. I love you. I'm aching to see you guys...
I cant believe they are already 1! They are getting so big...I hope you guys had fun celebrating!
Anonymous said…
Could the twins be any cuter??? No Way. And they are so stinking sweet......All the kids are growing up so fast. Libby is little mommie and Sameul is the man on the move and growing into such a sweet boy. The twins are sweet and so adorable. Yes, Grandma Fafee is predjudiced but that is my job. Mike and Jen, keep up the good work of raising them to know their Creator and Saviour. GOD IS GOOD.
Happy Birthday! Wow, a year already...I know it still feels like yesterday. But, graduation and a birthday party...maybe things are turning a corner! Happy Birthday, and great job mom! Congrats Mike!!
The boys are adorable! They look like silly boys to me. : ) Maybe some games of peek-a-boo and snuggles are in order...The cakes look super yummy. I'm sure they loved them. (Way to go Annie!) Please give all the babes kisses for me. I love you. I'm aching to see you guys...
Mike and Jen, keep up the good work of raising them to know their Creator and Saviour. GOD IS GOOD.
Congrats Mike!!