Zippity Zoo Da.

We've been making some quick trips to the zoo. Thursday we got an hour in and a half in. The week before we only had 30 minutes but the animals showed off. The family of monkeys were being adorable and precious and so fun to watch and the kids and I watched the tiger stalk back and forth in front of us for 10 minutes, literally a couple feet apart...with just glass between us.

This past trip we had the opportunity to closely look at the reptiles... Samuel's favorite. And here were some of our favorites from the reptiles, amphibians and nocturnal display...

Peter and the tomato frog

I love how this snake looks so much like the surrounding leaves.

Reticulated Python. Photo doesn't do justice. This guy is HUGE!

Porcupine. Check out that long tail!

Armadilloes are so fast! I had no idea.
All my pictures are a blur of this creature!

Libby looking at the globe

Tired Explorer

Peter, Libby and Samuel: School is fun!


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