Can Diaper Changing be holy? God's work in the "mundane".

I remember hearing decades ago that "secular" and "holy" tasks are both equally important in God's eyes. But I don't think it clicked quite the way it did just now. In my attempts to please God through my "devotion" I didn't recognize that my life as a mother, wife, writer, housekeeper, errand runner, chauffeur, nurse, appointment scheduler, all those things both "spiritual" and "mundane" were pleasing to Him.

I've recently been reading this book called "Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life" by Tish Harrison Warren. I've come to the most remarkable conclusion that I'm not merely loving God and serving Him in my Bible reading, in my worship songs that I sing out loud, and in my prayer time with Him but I'm also communing with Him as I work through the challenges of potty-training an intellectually disabled 11 year old. As I do the dishes. As I pick up the dirty clothes left in the bathroom... again.

I'm doing Kingdom work even as I check my e-mails, scrub poop out of underwear, and make
another meal.

I have wonderful, precious friends who are in Missions and doing amazing things. I love them and am proud of them and pray for them. I'm just encouraged to be reminded that I can still be living the mission as well on my day in, day out life. God is doing a transforming work in me even as I parent, whether I am homeschooling or not, whether I work outside of the home or not. God is at work.

I hope this encourages your heart today. Whether you are serving the least of these in India or working at a homeless shelter's soup kitchen, or gardening in your backyard- you can be doing all these things unto the Lord.

Our God is so big He can redeem and change us through milking a cow, changing a tire, or buying groceries.

Kingdom Life is a life of mission.

We've been all given a mission field. This doesn't devalue those who are in the dangerous work of foreign missions.They are due honor and our support. But we too are called to mission: to love our children, our neighbors and coworkers.

Right now my mission field, my kingdom work is at home. Where is your mission field?


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