Sick Children.

Oh dear. The kids have been really sick. I think, for the most part, they are on the mend. Michael went to the doctor's office on Tuesday night and was diagnosed with viral croup. He was also given dexadron (sp?), a powerful one time oral steroid. Michael then proceeded to have fevers and start his "barking seal" cough for the rest of the week. Friday I was back in with Michael and Peter... Peter has viral bronchialitis. Michael got an oral steroid and another round of antibiotics.

Ian's recently started coughing and wheezing.

What is going on?

We are finally letting him go back to school tomorrow. He missed his optometry appointment today. Just another thing to reschedule...

So much happening all the time around here.

Mike and I are trying to coordinate who goes where and needs to be where when for this week. He and Samuel start admission tomorrow.

Well, it's that time of year. March is upon us... I'm almost near my sister's death anniversary. I prefer her heaven birthday. March 7th will be 7 years. My heart hurts just thinking about it. Grief is such a strange thing.

I better get some sleep. My emotions are draining on top of everything else.


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