Overflowing with Blessings...

This summer some friends from church, organized by the Wasko Caregroup, threw a HUGE yard sale at the Brown's Home and donated all the proceeds to our family. It was timely. They blew us away though... some of the children played violins for money, others had a bake sale... so much to bless us... and they raised $1800 for our family! Who has ever heard of a yard sale making that much?! What a blessing to help us with such unexpected expenses and setbacks we had been experiencing!

Mike and I have been going through financial struggles for sometime. I felt like we were once again at the end of ourselves. I wanted to trust the Lord but also didn't know if I was asking too much of God.

Recently, my mom asked me if I would join in her in going through a book entitled "Give Me 40 Days" (Freeda Bowers). It's about devoting 40 days, spending 40 minutes a day in prayer. It's a time to ask God for "break-through" but also to pray for others. I was excited to do so but hesitant and afraid that the Lord wouldn't meet my needs and I didn't want it to be a let down for her. I was afraid maybe God wouldn't work or show up.

So we decided to start November 1st and give 40 days to the Lord in a time of prayer.

One of the things I wanted to pray for is financial breakthrough. We were wondering how we would pay for rent this month... plus we're behind on electric bill... and cell phone... and well, you get the point. So I prayed today. I gave him over 40 minutes. I prayed for so many on my heart. People in need of jobs. People in need of financial breakthrough. Relationships that are broken. For our rent and for our daily bread.

Tonight at our church some friends of ours, Rich & Shirley, had an event. They were celebrating their 50th and 40th birthdays by putting on a Talent Show which also was a benefit. Who was the benefit for? Our family. It was a fun night of music and various talents... all so enjoyable and at the end of the night there was....


And not to forget two amazing pies!

Mike and I are flabbergasted! What in the world?! What generosity! How the Lord is meeting our needs! We can pay our rent and our bills! He truly is our provider!

To all our friends, family, brothers and sisters at Sovereign Grace Church- THANK YOU!!!!

We are so blessed that we are apart of this church as well as all the ways people have served us through meals, baby-sitting, cleaning, organizing, giving, running errands, etc.

To God be all the glory!

What a testimony of God's faithfulness in answering prayer.

Jesus, you amaze me. Amaze me with your love. Amaze me that you listen to the cries of our heart. Amazed that you provide again and again! Amazed at your faithfulness. Thank you Jesus for your goodness. Thank you for our church. Thank you for the generosity of your people! May we use this money wisely and for your glory! Amen.


Wendy said…
This brought tears to my eyes...and faith to my heart! I will send the praise back to God this morning in worship at our church! He is so faithful even when we think he won't answer (I have often thought that, and been overcome with greif for my unbelief...) yet he is ever loving and constant! Praise the Lord!

Can't wait to see you guys and visit some in December.
Ashleigh said…
Jennifer, this is probably the most moving blog post I've read.

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