I take it back, I did have an alligator wrestling day. Ian dumped hot sweet tea on me. My hair, shirt, carpet... on the therapist and on himself and Michael. He is very quick with a mug. Michael threw up on me twice. I whirled and whirled around cleaning up one mess after the next. Laundry. New sheets on the bed. Dishes. Make meals. Change poopy diaper. change another one... and what? Oh change another one! Yet God is there in my alligator-wrestling days. He's not intimidated by the sharp claws or thrashing tail... He is in control of it all. He maneuvers and guides me through my dad. Step by step. Moment by moment. Breath by breath.


Anonymous said…
wow jennifer! what a day! I hope I can come over again once I get settled with school...:)
xoxo Em

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