
Showing posts from 2014

My Ungrind Article: Brave in the Midst of Weakness

Giving up "Christmas"

Turkey Tom Jones and His Poor Smoky Bones... What happened Thanksgiving Night.

Grief, Gratitude and sleepless thoughts on God.

The Importance of Being 4

Gifts of Friendship.


Aquarium (part 2)

my 2 favorite 6 & 1/2 year olds

My Two Michaels...

Kids with Kids


Being Nice is not enough... Confronting in Love

Humpty Dumpty or Being Made Whole?

Celebrating a Decade... in the Big Apple...

Last Day of Summer at the Beach...

Minor Discrepancy...

An Unusual Game of Checkers.

More Than A Bullet...

Christopher Columbus & other uncomfortable realities...

Got Tired?

"Pet States"...