
Okay, I had the best birthday ever!  I started celebrating it on Sunday with my family.  My parents and my in-laws, who are my other parents :), as well as my brother and his girlfriend as well as my brother-in-law and his girlfriend, my aunt and uncle and cousins and grandma all came over for lunch at my house.  We had marinated chicken, rice, and yummy salad... topped off with a delicious chocolate-chocolate cake.  I enjoyed chatting and laughing with my family.  Mike even asked people to give me encouragement... I was so touched that all my family shared something with me.  I was so blessed.

Monday night Libby and i made cucpcakes for my birthday.  Yellow cake mix with chocolate frosting... yummy.

My sweet love gave me my present early... a beautiful ring.  It's a pearl ring with two diamonds on each side as well as a sapphire on each side.  I'm not doing it justice.  I love it and I'm so thankful for his love for me.

On Tuesday (yesterday the 3rd) which was my birthday I had an amazing day.  I met up with some of my close girlfriends for breakfast at Baker's Crust and then out for "coffee" at Au Latte on Granby in Norfolk.  I had a delicious smoothie with coconut and pineapple.  I felt so blessed by my friends.  It was such a treat to spend some relaxed quality time with them.  One of my favorite parts of the day was just sitting on a couch and nursing Ian while my friend was nursing her son.

I then went and met up with my dear friend Michelle who has been teaching in China.  We hung out for a little while and then went out for coffee and dessert.  it was great catching up and being able to just see her face!

Then my husband took me out to dinner.  We went shopping at Target, Babies R'Us, and Barnes and Noble.  Our friends Mike and Isabella watched the kids for us!  I didn't even have Ian with me.  It was amazing!  I just loved being able to be out with my husband.  I got a new skirt and top, a book I'm already starting to read, a planner for next year, some new organic cleaner (that's safe for babies), and a nursing cover.

Talk about a great time!  My dear cousin Sharon is taking me to Baker's Crust for dessert and coffee tomorrow.... it's like Birthday week! 

I've just felt so overwhelmed and loved by the cards, encouragement, gifts and time spent on me.

I received amazing gifts from family and friends: money, Starbucks and Target gift cards, some books I really wanted (one on parenting and one on intimacy), cute flip-flops, a fragrance sachet, coffee cups, truffles, home-made granola, a new bag, clothes, and a nursing cover by Peanut Shell (so cute).  I also have some new friends who thought of me.... I got a box of my favorite tea (english breakfast by twinnings) and some pastries with a gift card... thank you two!  You're so thoughtful.

I am so blessed to have friends and family who love me.  Thank you for giving me a wonderful birthday.  I thank God for each of you!


Bekah said…
Happy Birthday Jennifer! I am so glad that you had such a wonderful birthday!
erin said…
Happy birthday, Jen!
Ashleigh said…
Happy Birthday, Jennifer! I so glad you had such a nice celebration. I feel bad, I didn't get a card to you ... Preoccupied me. I can learn so much from your thoughtfulness!
Caren said…
Jen, Happy Birthday! I'm so glad you had a great day/week. I'm also SO jealous that you got to see Michelle! Please tell her to email me. I havent talked with her in a couple of weeks. Happy Happy Birthday!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a great day! For my birthday my hubby went out and saw "Prince Caspian". It was the first time I'd been to the theater in over a year and since having the twins. It felt so good to be out just the two of us. That's great you're out by yourselves already!
Tess Bush said…
Happy Birthday Week Jennifer!! It was great seeing you at Katie's shower. Ian is too sweet!!! Hope the rest of your b-day week continues to be fabulous!
Rebekah Judd said…
Happy belated birthday, friend! I'm so glad you had a great day.
Judy said…
Happy Birthday!!! :)
Ginger said…
praise god for all the great refreshers in our lives! happy birthday jenn!
Bethany said…
Happy Birthday!!! Glad for the wonderful little moments you had.

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