From his chubby cheeks down to his sweet little toes... I am totally smitten by my youngest child. I love his smiles and his eyes that peer right into the depths of my soul. He's starting to roll. He loves to kick and he adores his siblings.
Michael MacLeod you are loved!
your pictures really capture the kids so well. Thanks so much for using your gifts in Photography to share with us and many who don't get to see the kids very often. He is so beautiful. I am thankful that they were not identical......have a hard enough time keeping everyone straight. Ha Ha.
To piggy back on the next much to think about and wake up to what others deal with that we are so sheltered from ......stark contrasts. love,
mom, fafee
Again tell Libby that we were so disappointed that we couldn't make it to her party... we all wanted to go so bad!