You know your tired when...

-you reach in your bag for your fries and start chewing only to realize about 10 seconds later that your eating your straw wrapper.
-you wake up and don't know who or where you are.
-When the chair squeaks you reply it needs some 409 (when you meant to say WD40)


Michelle said…
or what about when you leave the house to go to the vet, get on the phone with a friend, and somehow mysteriously pull back into your driveway minutes later without vising the vet?!!?! (Rolling eyes at myself)
Lizzy said…
or leaving a grilled cheese sandwich frying in the pan, hobble tiredly upstairs to get ready for bed, and come back down to the thing practically on fire...smoke alarm blaring and all!! hee hee. true story, unfortunately. ;o)
AmyB said…
Oh dear! You should write a book about all the things you do when you're tired. You know, like a "Deep Thoughts" (Jack Handy) book, one that you can just read two lines and laugh at. I laughed outloud at these 'cause I can totally relate! So funny!
AmyB said…
Ok Jenn, these are for you -:-)
LiAnn said…
When I'm fatigued and stressed, I've been known to suddenly wake from a deep sleep, sit straight up in bed and yell at my husband that one of our children has just escaped out of the house and he should go check their beds just to make sure...


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