a poem for Jesus.

Bleary eyed. tired cries. Babies Sleep. Mama sighs.
Cup of tea, cold again. Dribbling milk, down the chin.

Holding grace in a quilt, crying over life that spilt.
Broken, broken, toys and hearts. Quiet healing? soon to start.

If He's numbered every tear, if He knows my every hair...
Why do I worry, why do I care?
Why anxious heart? Why deep despair?

Sweet Savior Jesus holds fast to me. reminds me all I need is He.
In His arms I safely fall, He is my Hope, my Joy, my All.

-Jennifer Napier


Kate Van said…
that's beautiful jen, thank you.
Natasha said…
What a beutiful poem, and so true. Thanks for sharing it
Ginger said…
I love it Jennifer-
Anonymous said…
Keep the creative juices flowing, dear Jennifer. It is healing. There will be blessings all around....your spirit releases tension in you.... and your words will speak to hearts maybe not able to express. This is for your book someday.!. Out of your innermost being will pour gushes of living water for those who are thirsty. Be encouraged and drink deeply from God's well-spring of water for your continued personal hydration. Your are loved, always and in all ways. XOXOXO Grandma
AmyB said…
Thanks Jennifer, beautiful.

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