How we spent our 4th.

the 4th of July was a great day for our family. We started it off right with blueberry pancakes and 4th of July outfits. Libby's shirt said "All American Sweetie" and Samuel's said something about, "Rockets are red, firecracers are blue, the 4th is fun, cuz I'm with you." I need to look at the outfit itself... hmmm, what is blue? We went to the Andrews' home that afternoon with some friends of our ours from Westminster. There were several couples from Westminster and it was enjoyable to see familiar and new faces. We grilled out and the weather was beautiful. Libby and Samuel were loving it. Libby especially loved coming in and out of the house, banging their porch door. The Andrews live on a "cottage" off of a mansion. I am not lying when I say it as a mansion. The home (worth 5 million) is massive and is surrounded by the most beautiful grounds thanks to the devotion and hard work of Joel Andrews. Joel oversees the grounds and the place is breathtaking.
In my enjoyment of the day I took few pictures... sad, but true, but I was enjoying the day and my time there instead of thinking, "hey, I need to capture this for my blog". I think I chose what is better, but I do hope in the future to show you the home and the cottage and the gardens and extensive grounds because it truly is breathtaking.
The kids loved the back yard where there is a duck pond fully stocked with ducks, geese, etc. The Andrews have two bunnies which Libby obsessed about for days on end.
We spent the later part of the afternoon playing or watching a game of Bocce Ball (an italian game played with small balls). I really enjoyed watching Mike play and Libby loved chasing the groups around playing the game. One dear couple was there, our friends David and Tosha Smith, and Libby loves Tosha and just enjoys saying her name. David and Tosha were on one team, and Mike and I were on another and throughout the game you would hear Libby yelling, "Tooossshhha!"
We took two tired babies home and put them to bed. Needless to say, it was a very fun day.