Cup, Kiss, Ask Jesus.
Samuel recently had this conversation with me as I was putting him down to bed.
Me: "Goodnight sweetheart. Have sweet dreams. I love you." I start to close the door.
Samuel: "Cup?" I walk back to him.
Me: "here's some water. I love you. goodnight." begin to exit again.
Samuel: "Kiss?"
I walk back and give him a huge hug and kiss.
Me: "Ni, night buddy".
Samuel: "Ask Jesus?"
I once again return to his bedside and we "ask Jesus". I love the way he desires prayer. He takes it seriously. It's important to him. So much so that we can pray 3 or 4 times DURING a meal.
I love his heart. He's so sweet. May He continue to desire to "ask Jesus!" all the days of his life.
Thank you for faithfully and lovingly directing your babes to the Lord.