Dumping Ground.
Have you ever found yourself caught in the evil comparision trap? I'm finding myself there. I'm looking at others (ok. looking at other women) and thinking, "They look better than me. They're a better photographer. They're blog is cooler. They're a better mom. They have their lives in order. They're organized. They're a better cook. Nicer house. Nicer car. Nicer.... whatever" I am reminding myself lately what it says in the Psalms, that my "boundaries have fallen in pleasant places." I'm not going to pretend to have it together... I don't. I do know though that I have this Awesome Father who loves me and has a plan for my life. That I'm being redeemed. That I'm crushed, but I won't despair... I am broken but I am not overcome. Greater is He who that is in Me than he who is in the world! I wonder how often we spend time comparing ourselves with others instead of embracing and enjoying who God made us to be and appreciating the way He made others. Let's glean from others. Heck yeah, people are better at things than us, so let's learn what we can from them, but let's rejoice, because God made us to be US! He didn't make us little cookie cutters. He delights in us! Ok, so as I'm preaching to you, I hope you know... I'm just talking to myself.
Ilove the highlights and style and everything....just darling and very becoming...I tried red after John was born.....didn't work as well as your highlights.
The kids are growing so much...
Suz and Annie look great and I know you were so happy to have them with you.
Libby and Samuel have grown so much........Can't wait to see you all. We are at the beach and the weather has been perfect and full moon..awesome.
faf xx00 to each of you
I find that expressing my gratefulness to God for all He has done and given me helps when I find myself starting to compare. It puts things back into perspective.
Now that things have gotten some-better at work, I STILL stinkin' find myself getting downcast because I compare my condition with other's. I'm never satisfied--or , unfortunately, rarely content, as Paul encourages us to be. As others here have confirmed...you are not alone.
Love you! Praying for you.