the Park.

There is a little park close by that I like to take the kids to. Libby loves the slide there. Well, there are differents slides but there is one particular slide she likes to go down. Well, with the help of one of the neighborhood kids (Jaylin) she went down the "Big Slide".

Samuel usually just watches Libby but this time he got to try the slide too!


Michelle said…
oh my goodness - that first picture of samuel is precious. he is soooo cute! :-)
Ashleigh said…
Slides. They're wonderful! My kids love them too.
Jenn said…
Libby is getting so big!
Bethany said…
So fun.
Anonymous said…
How beautiful....and to see Mr. Man on the slide with big sister and a friend.........just precious....God is so good to allow us to see pictures so easily, and for us to have such an amazing way to communicate.......I Love my pooter.

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