My haircut.

I was trying to think of a way I could show you all my haircut and since Mike isn't home to take my picture I decided that I would do a photobooth shoot and then try and post a picture. Of course you can't see what it looks like from the back or side, but it was the best I could do. I really love this cut... now if only I could keep getting the same hairdresser to keep cutting it this way. Probably should have been on some make-up or a cute outfit... oh well, not trying to impress you :)


erin saidā€¦
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Kate Van saidā€¦
I love the cut! Don't you feel fresh!?
Michelle saidā€¦
Very cute! I like it! By the way, you can try to shoot side or back shots on photobooth. They give you a 3 second delay between pushing the button and taking the picture. I mean, if you want to show us new angles - 'cause I'd like to see them. :)
Ashleigh saidā€¦
I really like the bangs. Very cute cut. I just had bangs cut recently. I like them but am still trying to figure out how to style them just right.
Billie saidā€¦
very cute! I want to cut my hair too. But Brian says no, not because he doesn't like it...because he knows I will cry if I do. So, I will listen to his wisdom and remember the tears I spilled the last time I chopped my hair. You look great.
Bethany saidā€¦
Oh super cute!!!! I want short hair again.
AmyB saidā€¦
So cute Jenn!!! Love it!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Oooh very cool - really suits you x

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