Prayer for Michael

So it appears that Michael MacLeod isn't doing as well as everyone first thought.

He continued having trouble breathing to the point where it became necessary to intubate him. The process of intubation was a bit rough... it took a while to get adjust the gasses, etc properly.

He's currently stable and they are treating him with Cerfectan to coat the inside of his lungs. This will continue for 4-6 hours at which point they will decide if he will need to be transferred to the NICU (Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit) at CHKD (the local childrens hospital right next door to the hospital they are in now).

Updates to follow...



Jenn said…
Jennifer I will be praying for little Michael...
So thankful for your blessings!
abbey said…
I'll be praying for michael! Thank you for updating us.
Caren said…
I'm definately praying for the little guy! Thanks for the updates!
Ashleigh said…
Am praying for Michael.
Wendy said…
May God hold him close. Thanks for keeping us updated.
Judy said…
thanks for the update... keep us posted.
AmyB said…
We are praying for you all Jenn - much love to you
Ginger said…
thanks for the update

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