My Jessica.

Jessica and David. What a love story. I am so thankful for this couple. Jessica has been such a "real" person in my life. She's never afraid to say it like it is. I love her spunky personality. I love her eccentric tendencies. I love that she has her own pink room and is totally girly. This girl has been so kind to me. It's also her birthday

I will never forget after Libby died the beautiful package they anonymously brought over to the house. It was filled with these beautiful "Tuscan" mugs. I loved it. They also had all sorts of goodies in there inlcuding a gift card to an amazing restaraunt. The only reason I figured out it was them was because of the mugs- so her style. And also she knew a story about the restaraunt.... and I knew she only knew that story... so I had a good guess!

I love watching Jessica teach ballet and I love it even more when I get to watch her dance. She's so graceful and beautiful. It was so fun dressing Libby up at 8 months in a little tu-tu outfit and taking her to see one of Jessica's performances.

Jess, although we don't get to see each other as often as I'd like I am so thankful for you and for our friendship. You are a blessing to me.

Today is also my dear Jessica's birthday! Happy Birthday Jess! I hope you have a great time at your brother's wedding! We wish we could be there! Have fun in Irvington!
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Katherine M. said…
Yes, Happy Birthday, Jessica. Don and I love both you and Dave. We're happy you are in the same caregroup with us. I appreciate your grace-filled ways and especially your thoughtfulness. I remember your special little birthday gift to me and your prayers during a difficult time. I'm glad that you and Dave are doing well. You look very happy.
Anonymous said…
YES....Happy Birthday Jessica,
You are a beautiful example of femininity and grace, poise,perserverance,faith and generosity.You excell in so many areas of your life.God has a plan doesn't He. I only see the future's so bright, you better wear shades.

Thanks for all you do, the program last Sat was a smash and you worked so hard and it paid off......thank you. Thanks for your many kindnesses to so many...........May you feel His pleasure on your life today...and all the days ahead
Happy Day
Love and Blessings,

Reaghan said…
happy birthday sis!
Love you
Kelsey said…
Much love to you Jessica! You are such a dear person and I am grateful to know you too. :)

High five for October birthdays...

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