Spider Dance.

I'm hoping you'll be able to see Libby's haircut in this post. It's now shoulder-length. She loves this Spider that's outside our kitchen window. The other day, she suddently did a jumping jack, "look mom! I'm a spider. See, I'm an X". I looked at the spider. I knew what she was trying to do. After showing me her "spider" pose, she then decided to do a dance. I hope you enjoy a picture of it.


Ashleigh said…
Cute haircut!
Caren said…
Libby looks so big in those pictures. Was it really in May that I came to visit? Kids change so much in such a little time. I bet she's loving preschool!
Jessica Rockey said…
What a beautiful ballerina! I can just see the talent!
erin said…
She looks all grown up. Jen, she is such a sweet girl. I love all her little quotes that you share.
Bethany said…
that spider looks like he is sewing a zigzag stitch
Jenn said…
She is quite a cutie!

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