24 weeks.

I'm twenty four weeks today. Now, if it was like how it was with the twins it would mean I would deliver in 8 weeks... with how it was with Samuel... 6 weeks. BUT I don't think we're on that trajectory.
I saw the doctor on Friday. He's very pleased with baby's development and my lack of abnormal fluid. Everything looks A-ok right now.
I have been having bouts of vertigo so my OBGYN is referring me to a neurologist to get it checked out. I'm sure it's a combination of weird blood sugar problems and the heat... and the fact that my body gets WEIRD during pregnancy.
This past week I took Michael in to see the doctor. He had a fever for over a week. It would dissipate with Tylenol but then return... Michael had a chest x-ray and blood work done. Looks viral. This too shall pass.
Samuel was diagnosed with Impetigo. It's a common skin infection caused by bacteria. It causes a single or possibly many blisters filled with pus; easy to pop and -- when broken -- leave a reddish raw-looking base. It develops into a rash -- which may begin as a single spot, but if person scratches, it may spread to other areas.
Needless to say he's on antibiotics. Poor guy looks like a leper.
We've been discovering bites on me and Michael. And now we have found the problem: fleas. So we're trying to rid the house of this crazy infestation. It's been a little nuts.
Originally I was supposed to go to church today but we were concerned about Michael's bites and finding bugs, (the fleas) in his hair... Don't want to share the love with others. So he and I are hanging at home today. As yucky as it is I'm so thankful it's NOT lice.
Life is anything but dull around here. :)
You look great! I'm glad you are doing well. Praying for you guys.
I'll keep Michael and Samuel in special prayer this week.
Miss you!