Michelle Swingle here, logging in on behalf of Jennifer. She composed the letter below and asked me to post it for you...
Dear Friends,
Once again we are in need of prayer. Surprise surprise. :) I took Samuel to the doctors at 7:30 this morning. (Samuel has continued to be in pain since Monday.)
After our doctor did a rectal exam he detected something was very wrong and sent us to CHKD ER.
After a normal ultrasound test and abdominal x-ray all that was left was a CT scan. It revealed an enlarged bladder. The reason for this was a baseball to softball sized mass. It blocked his bladder from urinating as well as made him become constipated. It's also causing his pain.
He has a catheter and IV now as well as enjoying the effects of morphine.
We have seen an oncologist and have spoken several times at length. Samuel is now a patient on the oncology floor under the care of Dr. Lowe.
We will be here all week-end into next week (at a minimum) running more tests, bone scan, MRI, etc. A biopsy will be in the future.
Although in all likelihood, according to the doctors, this is cancer we are still hoping, praying and crying out to God to heal our precious boy.
To say that we're exhausted and overwhelmed would be an understatement but we know and put our trust in our faithful God. He is our Rock. He is our Hope. Though the earth give way He will remain. He will sustain and carry us.
Please pray,
ps - Michelle will help me manage my blog and provide updates over the next whatever. :) Don't have blogging abilities in the hospital.
Dear Friends,
Once again we are in need of prayer. Surprise surprise. :) I took Samuel to the doctors at 7:30 this morning. (Samuel has continued to be in pain since Monday.)
After our doctor did a rectal exam he detected something was very wrong and sent us to CHKD ER.
After a normal ultrasound test and abdominal x-ray all that was left was a CT scan. It revealed an enlarged bladder. The reason for this was a baseball to softball sized mass. It blocked his bladder from urinating as well as made him become constipated. It's also causing his pain.
He has a catheter and IV now as well as enjoying the effects of morphine.
We have seen an oncologist and have spoken several times at length. Samuel is now a patient on the oncology floor under the care of Dr. Lowe.
We will be here all week-end into next week (at a minimum) running more tests, bone scan, MRI, etc. A biopsy will be in the future.
Although in all likelihood, according to the doctors, this is cancer we are still hoping, praying and crying out to God to heal our precious boy.
To say that we're exhausted and overwhelmed would be an understatement but we know and put our trust in our faithful God. He is our Rock. He is our Hope. Though the earth give way He will remain. He will sustain and carry us.
Please pray,
ps - Michelle will help me manage my blog and provide updates over the next whatever. :) Don't have blogging abilities in the hospital.
I am so sorry to hear what you are going through.. I know you are in shock and overwhelmed. PLEASE know that people are praying for your family and sweet little boy.
I also wanted you to know that I work on the oncology unit at KD. I know Dr. Lowe personally and he is wonderful! He is thorough and will take good care of your family and son. I work on Tuesday so I will be sure to stop in and see you.
My heart is with you and I am pleading with our BIG GOD to bring healing to Samuel!
love you
and trusting in our mighty Savior,
Ash Hunt :)
May God bless you all in the midst of this suffering.