Our Love/Hate Affair With Hospitals

This is Mike guest-posting to give an update that seems nearly commonplace for this family. Do we ever not need prayer from the People of God to the God of all comfort? Does any saint not need prayer? I'm thankful that Christ intercedes for us at the Father's right hand.

Here's our latest felt need: Jennifer, when readying herself and the children for an excursion of appointments, began feeling sharp ("stabbing" is the nurse's preferred term) abdominal pain at about 7:30 this morning. So, I skipped work and Jenn skipped the dentist, the kids went to their appointed child care/play date for the morning (thanks friends!).

Jennifer and I drove to the hospital to get her and the little one in-utero checked out and to hopefully cut the pain. Jennifer was in real agony - yet it wasn't labor. The baby was and is fine, no problems.

However, Jennifer needed an emergency surgery to take care of a hernia that has grown increasingly troublesome and seems to have caused today's pain. Surgery on the abdomen while 24 weeks pregnant is nobody's preference, yet the doctors believed surgery to be the best course.

Mother and child are now out of surgery and recovering well.

Please pray for us as a period of recovery looms in the midst of family needs for a 5 year-old, a 4 year-old, and two 2 year-olds.

Please pray for appropriate help for Jennifer so that I can continue to work.

Please pray for a quick but thorough recovery for Jennifer and for the continued health of the baby (everything seems well).

And please pray for God's continued sustaining power, mercy, comfort, healing, help and we would be continually filled with the Holy Spirit.

Thank you friends and family for your care, love and support.


Caren said…
Mike, thanks for letting us know. I am praying for all of you guys. Especially for a quick recovery for Jenn. I'm so glad the baby is okay...
Ashleigh said…
Am praying.
Kate Van said…
thanks for posting Mike, I'm praying and will help in any way i can
Sara of Sweden said…
You are in our thoughts and prayers!!
Love from your family in Sweden
Jessica Rockey said…
Thanks for the update Mike. I'm so glad that the surgery was done quickly... instead of having to wait in pain. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers. I am at a loss on how to help right now... I'll give Jenn a call in a bit to ask about specifics. I'm sure she's been overwhelmed with calls and questions. Much love.

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