You know you're CRAZY when...

-you're up 20 minutes til one in the morning and your eating caramel kettle corn and doing your online administrative tasks.
-you impulsively buy chocolate but don't eat it. It's just on permanent hold in your purse.
-you're pregnant but you're upset that you've gained two pounds.
-you sing at the top of your lungs "Singing in the Rain" while jumping in puddles in your rain boots.
-You worry about your child being accepted at school while another one of your children has cancer.
-You get a crazy high from buying yourself flowers.
-You give birth to 5 children in 6 years.
-You question your sanity most days.
-You tell your friends you have to "go potty" when you excuse yourself for the restroom.
-You feel like eating ColdStone ice-cream for dinner.
-You wonder if the walking to and from the hospital counts as "real exercise"
-You get stared at by strangers in Target as you ride in your electric shopping cart because you're supposed to stay off your feet as much as possible.
-You wear a maternity support belt that has three separate attachments and looks like weight-lifting support gear.
-You can't remember the title of the song you want to buy on iTunes but can sing most every Veggie Tales song word for word.
-You don't know what date it is or day it is.
-You schedule three medical appointments three days in a row.
-You feel guilty that you're not driving your kids to school in the mornings and are able to get 2 hours extra sleep most days.
-You write most of your thank you notes after midnight.
-You're more nervous about what you'll do with a healthy, full-term baby than you are about going into pre-term labor.
-You can call and set up appointments with therapists, neurologists, oncologists, etc. but are afraid to call and order a pizza.
-You think a good time to leave CHKD to head home is between 4:30-5 p.m.
-You haven't had a haircut since February but are too tired to call and make the appointment to get one.
-You listen to K-Love and think you're NOT going to end up crying.
-You have peace that surpasses all understanding.. Oh wait, no. That's just God at work.
-You fall asleep typing


Caren said…
that was hilarious :) I'm pretty sure I've done almost all of them, except for the really hard ones you guys are going thru...I think we're all crazy at times. When I had my grandmother living with us before she went into the nursing home, I was really having a hard time. I would listen to KLOVE everywhere I went. That was how God spoke to me the most. I would get into my car and cry out to Him, and He would put His arms around me and let me know He was there walking with me, carrying me thru this time. I will never forget it. I love you Jen!
Callie said…
ha ha, I don't like to order pizza either. I always make Tim do it.
Kate Van said…
stop writing 'thank you' notes! (mine crazy moment yesterday: using my left blinker for a right turn)
Kelsey said…
Keep writing, Girl. And save me some ice cream. ;) xoxo
Kelsey said…
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Chalene Baird said…
oh friend - these are NOT the signs of a crazy lady but one who has her priorities in order! You are putting your children and taking care of the unborn little one first - good job! You are offering yourself up as a living sacrifice and are being poured out like a drink offering - the Lord is pleased and your reward will be GREAT in heaven!!! Thank you, Lord that the trials on this earth are only momentary in light of the ETERNAL life we are soon to spend with you where there will be no pain, sickness or sin!!! Ryan and I are praying for you & Samuel DAILY!
Jessica Rockey said…
Yes... forget the thank you notes.
P.S. Crazy people don't question their sanity... so you're good on that one.
Also, I sang a fabulous rendition of 'The Wheels on the Bus' while driving around the other day... only to realize that I did not have my child with me.
AND I hate ordering pizza too, what's with that?! Love you friend.

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