Ear Infection, Asthma, & Croup, Oh My!
What a day. Or should I say, what a past 24 hours. we finally got our electricity back after 36 hours without it. What a blessing electricity is! the kids have been sick and sleeping terribly... and therefore Mike and I are two sleep deprived parents. We took the kids to the doctors this morning. Libby has an ear infection, a really bad one. Samuel's asthma is flaring and he has croup to top it off.
The plan for the day was to pack for our trip to VA. We were supposed to head out at soon as Mike finished his class at 4. Oh well for that plan :) Hopefully we'll get off tomorrow morning.
It snowed yesterday and it was wonderful to watch it fall. At times it was tiny delicate flakes. At other moments huge fluffy flakes that looked like chunks of cotton batting floating to the ground. it was really nice. Today it's raining and making the snow melt away. gloomy.
I'm learning more and more how important it is to let go of expectations I have for my life. My hopes for Valentine's tomorrow. My desire to leave tonight. Dealing with two small sick children. I'm having to in turn say, "Lord, what you have for me is just what I need. It's not always what I want but it's never more than I can handle with You helping me."
So, for now I'll just try and get through this day and thank the Lord for His blessings. health insurance. gas in the car. food for lunch. medicine for the kids. my valentine that I love so much. a trip to Va. hot chocolate. good doctors.
Love you,