How U can help.

In case you're wringing your hands and wondering, "What can I do? What can I do? I'd like to help." Here are some suggestions.

***** PRAY *************

-Send a card. (please ask for address. I don't want to post it here.)
- Send a text.(please ask for numbers. I don't want to post it here.)
-Our finances are probably going to be blown to smithereens. Gift Cards: Gas cards, Starbucks cards, Target cards... even if it was $5 will help. We will be paying for a lot of extras and I have no idea how Mike is going to work in the midst of all of this.
-Help with the kids. We are still trying to figure out how to care for Samuel and our other children. We will need help.
-Meals. Brought to the hospital and/or the house.
-Help us find a vehicle. We have been at the mercy of others borrowing vehicles... we need a vehicle that can hold our growing family and also for the needs of traveling to/from the hospital.
-With-holding cliche comments. Please. We know God is good and He loves and will care for us. We don't need cliches.
-Encouraging us... by saying that you're praying, that you care. That you love us. Those things are helpful.
-Being understanding. We're exhausted. We're irritable. We're overwhelmed. We might not be the happiest, easy going people right now. We might nicely ask you to stop talking or chewing your gum. Don't take it personal. We beg for your understanding.
-Visit. Once we get settled we'd love visitors. Let's wait until we get some test results and a diagnosis. But we'd love people to cheer up Samuel.
-We'll create visiting hours that will work for us... eventually... so we look forward to your visits and we'll let you know when would be a good time, okay?!

Look at what was posted below. Some very practical helps....

Most importantly.... PRAY!!!!!!


sara said…
We are praying and crying out to God for you guys.
erin said…
Dru and I prayed for you guys before bed last night. Keeping you in our hearts and prayers.
Anonymous said…
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jmn said…
Thank you all for true encouragement and care. Thank you for loving in action not in word.

Uncle John

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