Autumn Bliss.

This morning was rather enchanting. We managed to get up before 7:30. We fed the kids and I made us egg & bacon Bagels and we were off and running. The soundtrack was Death Cab for Cutie. Dropped Mike off at school. Went to Target. Watched the leaves that look like some shade of bartlett pears. Rolled down the windows. Put on West Coast Revival. Mmmm. This is life. The kids happy in the back. Get to Target. Successful trip. Only bought what was needed. Went to Barnes & Noble and grabbed a stack of books and an iced tea and sat and read to the kids in the cafe. We left having bought nothing (but the iced tea). Yeah.
Came home... and it was so gorgeous outside that we HAD to go for a walk. Strap them in the jogger and go a couple miles. Come home sweating but happy. Put Samuel down for a nap. Fix Libby and I some lunch and head outside to sit. Fresh air. Sweet girl in her ballerina shoes. After lunch we clean out the car. Libby was pretending to have all sorts of adventures and I cleaned, sorted and threw away junk from the car. Even swept it out and used those car cleaning wipes. I'm miraculously caught up on e-mail.
It's just one of those days that is going so well. I had to share it because so often my days aren't. I just want you to know that you'll probably have a really good day too... at least at some time. I'm also writing this to remind myself when things AREN'T running so smoothly that there are days that exist that do.
The windows are open and the breeze is blowing. My trashcans are soaking in bleach. My kitchen is clean. I've vaccummed. The kids are "napping" (which really means talking and laughing at the moment). Samuel has an appointment today with the surgeon (just follow-up stuff). Then we'll pick up Mike and come home. I have chicken marinating and I already cut up some apples so I can just throw it in the oven with some cinnamon to bake. I have everything I need for the meal... what's up with that. Salad is ready. wow. I can't believe how on top of it I am today. I'm sure things will come crashing down soon :) but for now I'm just enjoying the way things are.
Tonight I have an Introduction to Matthew (Bible Study) at church and will pack for the trip. Last night was my first knitting class and it was so much fun! I learned how to purl and how to cast on a different way. I was so excited that I've already done my homework for the week. I'm looking forward to more. We're making mittens. It's a blast.
Libby starts school tomorrow. She's going to go two days a week (Tuesdays & Thursdays) from 9:30-12:00 p.m. She's very excited. So we'll pick her up from school and head down to VA.
I know from the sound of things everything seems to be "perfect" but what I think has really made today great has been my attitude. I've been more patient with the kids. I also made effort to set myself up for a good day. Went to bed earlier. Knew what I would wear today and what I would make for breakfast. Already had the day outlined as to the schedule and to-do list. That's really helped. I'm thankful, that if it's even just for today... that I can really see evidence of God changing me and helping me grow.
Well, I'm off to bathe Samuel. He's up and getting into the plastics in the kitchen. Hope your feeling God's joy and presence no matter what your day is like.
So I was also trying to figure out how I could come to dinner at your house cause that apple cinnamon chicken sounded so yummy. Maybe if I jump on the next plane...
Actually if you don't mind sharing the recipe...I would love to try it.
Have fun in VA! Going to the wedding? Say hi to all for me!