
Hope you're not too disappointed but I am passing on Friday's question. I can only think of some really cheesy ones so I'm going to pass. there is ground cereal bar and pirates booty all over my bed. I bet you wish you were me, huh? Oh, you know you do :)
I'm on a new kick lately... Twizzlers. It's been a while since I've had some so I don't know how or why but I ended up with a Twizzler and now I feel like an addict. I literally ate a couple before breakfast yesterday. Now, chocolate, I understand, but a Twizzler? Here's the key though- they must be fresh... no stale twizzlers around here.
Samuel is getting into everything. Now that he can climb the stairs he can also dunk his arm down the toilet. He poured out my water bottle all over himself and the carpet. He's demanding. he climbs on the couch. He's in that place though that I can't just let him climb the stairs or the couch because he's not safe. He tries to climb over the couch. He tries to "jump" off the couch. He stops at the stairs and starts to wobble backwards...scary. So I have to watch him like a hawk. The only "safe" time now is when he's in his crib. I am loving nap time in a whole new way.
yesterday was my wonder woman day. I pulled out the cape and the boots... the whole 9 yards. You would have been impressed. I felt invincible. Mike got a ride to school yesterday (major blessing and help - thank you Smiths). Took Libby to school and Samuel and I went and ran some errands. I was able to go to Bed Bath & Beyond and get my cousins Bridal shower gift. We went to the mall and I went into Harry & David's feeling sentimental. That's where my friend and adopted little sister works, Kels. (Kels, they still had the picinic bag... so tempted to get it... will it get further reduced or is this the final price?) Found a trivet... which we needed and I loved the design and the price. Strolled over to Bath and Body Works because I have recently gotten hooked on Fig. (Thanks a lot Michelle- I smelled your hand lotion and became enchanted)... they don't carry it anymore.. bummer. But I did get the hand soap I had tried at my friend's house last weekend, Brown Sugar & Fig... great hand soap but I don't know if I'm keen on the rest of the line (gel, lotion, etc.) Went and sat in Starbucks with Samuel before we got Libby. Can I just point out that everywhere we went women were smitten by Samuel. Everyone was just cooing and sighing at the sight of him. It was fun. I got 5 star treatment because I am his mama. They love the curls.
Picked up Libby and came home and super woman kicked into high gear. Cleaned. Swept. Mopped. Vaccumed. Did all sorts of cool things :) It was amazing. I told myself things would never get dirty or out of control again (and I'm laughing at myself right now). I have to show you via pictures some things I got because I'm really thrilled with them. I'll take pictures and show you later. I found pillows to fit these beautiful Indian silk covers that was given to me by a friend when she went to India. I also found gorgeous cushions for my chairs in the dining room. I added a little autumn by placing some apples in clear vases and in a water pitcher... turned out real fun and cute. So I was on top of it right? Things got done. The kids napped for four hours... it was amazing. I even attempted home made chicken noodle soup...
Today quickly brought me back to reality. Wow. that was quick. So much for my endeavors to never struggle again. Libby and I ended up laying in bed eating twizzlers and watchign Charlie & Lola for an hour. It was needed. We laughed. We fell asleep. It was great. I highly recommend it. Well, Samuel is screaming.
I've changed my mind. I am going to ask a Friday-ish question. Bringing up twizzlers inspired it.... what is your favorite candy? Get specific. Not just chocolate... what type? Or what treat really does it for you? Pie? Ice-cream (mention the flavor)? this should be fun.
I am a brownie fan, particulary Ghiradelli triple choclate brownies... um, which is why my husband is at the store... hee hee.... some week-end treat!
Best ice cream ever: Godiva Choc Rasb. Truffle. Yum-o!
I have to agree with you on those Ghiradelli brownies, they are the best. Did you know you can get a big box of it at as always to have them on had for unexpected company... or cravings? :)
Favorite candy??? Too many to name. I'd have to go with most red candy. Must be something in those wonderful dyes & additives. Twizzlers, Red Vines, Hot Tamales, Swedish Fish... I would rather eat candy than have ice cream, or cake or brownies or the like. I do enjoy getting a Whitman's Sampler around the holidays though. I do keep it hidden from some people in the house... You know, those short, demanding folks.
I'm hungry now.
I'm not a big fan of super sweet desserts... I like Ice Cream on special occasions and dark chocolate most anytime. I must admit that I have special place in my heart for Starburst but other than that I'm not a huge candy fan.
Strange, I know.
About the picnic basket...
If you know you'll use it and can afford it right now I recommend that you go for it. It's of high quality and oh so fashionable. ;)
Maybe I can help you get it...
Call me and we'll talk about it. :)
Love you,
Ok, hmm... Green & Black's organic 70% (or more) dark chocolate. Just a little bit goes a long way, especially yummy with freshly steeped Earl Gray (oh boy, or is it GrEy? Can't ever remember!) I almost always have a bar on hand to enjoy bits of. The Mint is also super tasty. As far as actual desserts, any sort of homemade fruit cobbler with a smidge of Breyers vanilla bean icecream on the side. Peach, apple & blackberry being favorites. Mint Chocolate chip cookies, homemade ginger snaps, fruit pies. Hmm, this list is longer than I thought! Great. Now I hungry!