Friday for you.
I'm in VA but I haven't forgotten that today is Friday. Think, think, think. What shall I ask today...
Okay, here's a practical one. I'm looking for a good family planner/calendar. Any suggestions? Since we all have a lot going on it would be good for us in regards to planning the week, etc. to have a place where it's all listed. Samuel's appts. Libby's school stuff. Mike's classes. What do you do to make life work... I would love a great planner/calendar but am at a loss where to find something good...
I have to second the flylady. Here is what I have found: the squares are huge! I like to see the whole month cause keeping one week visable is not enough for me. This calendar is roomy! I bought my first one last month and I really like it. I don't do well with more than one cause if stuff isn't in one place I will forget. Just comes with age I expect (or does it come with 4 kids under 6?) Either way, I am a goner if I have to keep up with more than one calendar.
I don't know if that link will work. If not, go to and search for message boards (I find their site difficult to find things on, but I can't find this anywhere else). I like the Home Manager Organizer Board. It has big squares, a small white board and a little cork board. It is kind of expensive, but after the first year, you just have to buy the calendar refill. The whole thing sticks to your fridge. I've been using it for several years now and love it. Very functional.