
Our plates are loaded and we're just trying to figure out this week. Getting the car inspected. Still need to get my computer fixed. Checking out a potential pre-school for Libby. Also a possible ballet class for 3-4 year olds (it looks great by the way). I have Women's Bible Study at church. I'm taking a knitting class for the next four Tuesday nights. Samuel's surgery follow-up appointment. His speech therapy. Preparing to go out of town this week-end. On top of that there is my need to get on top of my school work. And I'm excitedly taking on something else as well. I'm going to be writing for Ashleigh's new webzine, Ungrind. (http://www.ungrind.org/) I am really excited about this new project and am looking forward to harnessing some writing skills and getting some experience under my belt. I also really admire Ashleigh's writing skill and have already found myself encouraged by her as my editor.
This may sound like, "wow, you're doing a lot," but I am really excited. I feel at peace. I feel like I don't want to busy my life to just be busy but am excited about taking action about things that are important to me and being purposeful in my day to day life. I am excited about getting involved in some things for Libby. If we put her in pre-school it will be for 2 days a week. I'm excited that she might have the opportunity to be around kids her own age and to learn and to play with others. The dance class is for only a half hour each week but I think it's perfect for my spinning, twirling girl.
I am excited that I have to plan my days thoughtfully and make more of an effort to get certain things done by a certain time. I am looking forward to this full fall season and yet having some snuggle alone time with my little boy. I kind of thrive on a schedule and this is the first time in a while that i feel like I really have one, a schedule that is.
I hope that your heart is full of joy too. I hope that you're content wherever God has placed you. Whether you are busy with a job, small children, or whatever your day to day life looks like, whatever the challenges, demands, hopes and fears, I pray that you know God's pleased with you. He is excited about the day He has planned for you. He rejoices over you with singing. He has not left you or abandoned you. He knows your needs better than you do. You are not forsaken. I hope some joy is found in your day, whether it comes from a note from a friend, a sticky kiss, a blooming flower or relaxing cup of coffe... seize it and thank God!
It's great to hear how God is blessing your life right now too. And I'm sure Libby will love ballet - I did preschool ballet and although I was never going to be a ballerina what with actually having hips and all, dancing classes and pink shoes are just the best!
Hugs to all of you xxx
I'm excited for Libby to go to school too. She is going to LOVE having so many new friends! She seems to take after her mama in that regard.