Our time together.

Mike and I had the best time this week-end. Friday night we went to our friend's appartment in the city and stayed the night there. We house swapped and they watched the kids for us. I took a nice bath and relaxed and enjoyed some delicious champagne and strawberries that our friends left for us. The next day we slept in and enjoyed some delicious quiche and pumpkin bread (again courtesy of our friends-aren't they amazing!) We went into the city and parked the car. Sounds like a small thing but it's hard to find free parking in the city. We walked to 7th and Bainbridge and found an AMAZING coffee shop called Bean Exchange Coffee House... it was terrific. We sat outside drinking delicious coffee and dreamed about the future together. Just chatting about life/goals/dreams/future plans, etc. The chai I had was so out of this world. The foam was so perfect... and I am a foam nazi.
We then walked into the city looking at shops and at times stopping and ducking in. We went into one posh shop called Hello World and I fell in love with this beautiful necklace...which my husband bought me. It's a double silver chain and it holds a red round stone... okay, so lacking in description here, you just have to see it, it's beautiful.
We went to Redding Market and enjoyed looking at the myriad of food options. You could buy all sorts of ethnic foods, organic produce, and meats and cheeses, etc. There was milk and juice made by the Amish being sold there. We ate at a Dutch food resteraunt. I had home-made pot pie and fresh squeezed lemonade and Mike enjoyed turkey sandwich with real mashed potatoes and gravy. We were served by some Mennonite/Amish women. For dessert we had Apple Dumplings with heavy cream... pretty incredible.
We walked back to the car and drove to a store that I had been wanting to see ever since we moved here. It's called Happy Go Lucky and it's a home/furniture store. It was charming. We then went to Barnes and Noble and lingered over books and tea til it was time to return to our home. We had such a great time. What a blessing to have time by ourselves to just think and be.
David and Tosha- We can't thank you enough! Your place was such a great get-away for us. Thanks for watching the kids!