Don't be shy.

Okay, you all seem a little freaked out by Friday's post. Don't be. I'm not trying to be scary, rebellious or even edgy. I'm just asking what does it look like for you to be a woman? What does it mean for you to be a woman of God? I'm not wanting you to be intimidated. Some responses please!

For me personally, it's growing in my confidence before Him. It's finding my identity in Him. It's seeing beauty in His eyes as more important than worldly beauty. It's not striving but it's being passionate about God and His Kingdom. God wants my heart and all of me. He's not willing to settle for some silly superficial image of perfection and my cravings for control of my life. It's putting to death jealousy and discontentment and taking on a heart of grattitude and joy. I'm not there... I'm just saying that's some of what I think about in becoming feminine.

Anywho, your thoughts please?


Jessica Rockey said…
Wow, Proverbs 31 can be pretty overwhelming right? I almost had a panic attack just reading it. lol!
I'm ashamed to say that I haven't even referenced that since I've been married. I'm thankful that I don't normally feel pressured, by the world's standards, to be the 'perfect' woman. The world definitely wouldn't consider me to be a very accomplished woman. Career, education, appearance, etc. I'm basically a stay at home mom w/out kids! The Lord has also given me different boundries (physically) than most young women... so that plays a big role in my daily life.
What really stands out to me in proverbs is that as women we were created to nurture and care for others. I don't weave clothe and we don't have that many servants?! So how do I nurture and care for those that God has placed in my life? My goal at home is to create an atmosphere where David and I can enjoy one anothers company, have people over (planned or unplanned) for example. Sometimes it means cleaning all day and making a great meal and sometimes it means resting so that we can make it to caregroup that evening. I used to feel so ashamed when I had to 'rest' all the time, but now I know that I have to care for myself and my husband in that way. I'm sure things will change drastically when we start a family, but for now, I know the Lord has blessed me with time to rest and there's no reason to feel guilty or worthless about it.

My mom has always lived by some very simple advice given by her grandma, who cared for her often as a child. She'd sit a lawn chair in her front lawn and talk with my mom as they waited for 'gramps' to return from work. " Cindy, whatever you do, enjoy your children." she would say. My mom definitely did that as we were growing up. Caring for your family will look different throughout the years... it also looks different for each family. If this is the case, then it would be absurd for me to let other women, who seemingly 'have it all', to set the standard for how I live.

Perhaps there will be more to say when I dwell on it a bit more. Maybe I'm a bit detached from reality so I don't really care how others view me... Idon't know, the world's idea of a woman creeps into all of our lives to some degree. As you probably know, I've always struggled more with the appearance side of things as opposed to trying to 'do it all'.

By the way, I haven't been sleeping much lately so I'm up for more thoughts on the topic.
Wendy said…
Jessica, you are a humble, and beautiful woman. You are aware of the ways God is working in your life. I think we all as women need to let go of "perfection".

Jenn what a great question! Thanks for clarifying that you are looking for practical examples. It is easy to be theological and site books, it is hard to think about how to actually visibly apply what you learn and read.

I have been learning that God looks at the heart and I should too. To be a woman at my house means changing lots of diapers. I can honestly say that before the last few months I don't think I really heartfully enjoyed being a mom. God is slowly changing my view and heart for motherhood. It is a lot of work, but the culmutative effort of what I do today is seen in the lives of my children years later. I want to be a praying momma!

I admire and need the example the moms who genuienly love their kids. So that is what being a woman is to me today.
Anonymous said…
This is a really good question, and it's interesting we all left a bit of time before answering it - you really got me thinking Jennifer!

I used to have a real attitude problem about the Proverbs 31 woman. Firstly because she was way too good to be true, so I could write her off as unrealistic, and secondly because as an unmarried woman (so far!), I don't have a husband or biological kids of my own so I could legitimately write off huge chunks of the passage.... Right?

Well, obviously not, and over the last couple of years my dear pastor's wife who leads our women's nights has led us through the chapter taking a verse every month to look at, and once you start seeing all the girls around you as Proverbs 31 women, and identifying characteristics that they demonstrate that exemplify what being a daughter of the King is all about, then Mrs Proverbs 31 becomes a lot less scary!

For me I guess there are a few things about femininity that stand out. For a working girl who is passionate about what I do because I work for two kingdom building organisations (a Christian charity and the local church) it is sometimes suggested I am too "driven", in a way that suggests that commitment to a job or career is a masculine quality - whereas in Proverbs 31 this girl knows what she's doing and is good and being excellent at her work - but it's one I'm still working out - especially when sat round a boardroom table as the only girl in the room....

I'd also agree with Jessica in that the appearance side of things can be a real challenge, and stopping thinking about what I want people to see when they look at me is something I've had to work on, even though I know deep down, and think I always have done, that beauty is fleeting.

I guess, at the end of a very long comment (!), what it boils down to for me right now is knowing that my security as a woman is found in my Father, and if I can keep learning to take the fat days, and hormonal days, and fun girlie days to Him, then that's ok. It's about following Jesus in the way that us girls can, maintaining our compassion, and our ability to create and develop strong friendships and relationships, and our ability to multitask - making sure those tasks are bringing glory to Him, whether they are weaving and buying fields(unlikely!) or caring for the kids in our lives, or having a Starbucks with a good friend (very likely!!). I think the Proverbs 31 would definitely have been a caramel macchiato girl, and I am finding myself more and more blessed as I see her in the girls in my life, and on this blog...
Jennifer said…
Thanks ladies. What you're saying is good, true, and encouraging. Thanks for being brave and commenting!



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